I remember a day, way, way back in 2005, when dirtbagging meant illegally crashing in the boulders in Yosemite Valley outside of Camp 4, penniless. Literally, scrounging empty beer cans to recoup the $0.10 California container deposit for...more Old English 16 tallboys to fuel the next El Cap adventure/horror show. Last time I climbed in Maple, every Canadian and his dog had a pimped out Mercedes Sprinter. Dirtbagging: meet gentrification. But hey, we're here to help –you live the dream, maahn. We'll happily take your hard earned money and make sure you leave with a smile on your face 😃.
So Many Places to Climb
But wouldn't you rather experience it all yourself?
We’ve been there, and we’re here to help. We hope you’ll go see it, too.
Enjoy bouldering? Yeah, but crash pads are a PITA to travel with. So leave yours at home and use ours. There's plenty of room. Attack Chihuahua not included.
The vans are modified with secondary battery systems to keep all of your electronic gadgets juiced so you can post gnarly photos to social media when you get back to civilization. "Like!"
When you go cragging in a Basecamper Van, know you're cragging in style. Like this safety nut @benwhiteskis packing precious booze in a glass bottle for a big wall in Zion. "Decant the sending juice into a nalgene, son!"